Effects Of Drinking Soda On Your Teeth
Effects Of Drinking Soda On Your Teeth

- Soda has become a part of people diet these days.
- Drinking more and more soda is associated with health problems like obesity, diabetes and weight gains.
- Not only that but it has severe effects on your teeth as well.
- It is sad to see small children and teenagers with a lot of cavities because of the increasing amount of soda consumption.
- ACID EROSION: Sodas are acidic. The acid in the soda causes erosion of the tooth enamel which makes it softer, increasing the risk of cavities. It also exposes the inner layers of teeth which are not as strong as enamel. It can causes increase in teeth sensitivity and/or teeth pain
- CAVITIES: Sodas have plenty of sugar in it. The bacteria that resides in the plaque of your teeth metabolizes the sugar in soda and releases acid. This is called as an acid attack which can last for as long as 20 minutes.It weakens the tooth structure and causes cavities.
STOP DRINKING SODA! Is the obvious answer to the question but if it is difficult to stop it altogether, here are some tips:
Cut it down: If you’re drinking soda at every meal bring it down to just one meal a day and if you’re drinking it just once a day try bringing it down to once or twice a week. Drink water as a source of hydration instead of soda and other sugary drinks.
Drink it faster: Don’t take small sips throughout the meal. Remember the 20 minute acid attack time! So the longer you take to finish your soda the longer that acid attack time will last!
Use Straw: A straw will help to keep the soda away from teeth preventing damage to some extent.
Don’t brush right after: The soda causes enamel to get softer. Brushing right after will cause friction against the enamel causing more erosion and enamel loss. Wait for half an hour to 1 hour before brushing.
Rinse with water or drink water right after: This will help wash away the acid and sugar and won’t let it sit on your teeth.
Don’t drink soda during bedtime: The sugar and acid will cause teeth erosion and cavities. Drink water instead.
Regular dental exams and cleanings: Your dentist will be the best person to diagnose any damage caused to your teeth by any sugary or acidic beverages.
Regular soda consumption combined with inadequate oral hygiene maintenance may have caused cavities in your teeth. Regular dental check ups will help identifying and treating problems in earlier stage