Wisdom Teeth

- Wisdom teeth are the third molars (the last teeth) on each side of your jaw.
- They usually erupt during late adolescence (between 16-20 years) when a person is considered to be wise, hence called WISDOM TEETH future.
- Few people are born without any wisdom teeth, few have less number of third miles (less than 4) whereas some people may also have more than 4 – called as supernumerary teeth.

- Some patients have enough room for the wisdom teeth to erupt nice and straight in the mouth. Such molars usually don’t create any problems.
- But most of the times, there’s not enough space for the third molts to come out. This causes them to be trapped underneath the gums, or other teeth or bone – this is called AN IMPACTED MOLAR.

- Evaluation of wisdom teeth should be done for everyone between the age of 16-19 years.
- Not all wisdom teeth needs extractions. Teeth that are erupted completely and are healthy don’t need to be pulled out.
- An impacted molar may cause swelling or tenderness.
- Sometimes, they grow in different direction and erupt sideways pushing the other teeth, chewing on the other healthy molar near it . Such teeth needs extraction.
Other reasons for extraction are:
- Pain
- Infection
- Cysts/ tumors
- Gum disease
- Maintenance problems: molars that are too far in the back and not aligned properly can be hard to clean properly, which can further cause decay or periodontal problems. If they’re causing crowding or misalignment of other teeth.

- Diagnosis is done by a thorough intro oral examination and a series of X-rays (FMX) or Panoramic X-ray.
- X-rays shows the presence of wisdom teeth in your mouth. They also gives information about their position and orientation in the jaw bone.
- After careful examination , your dentist will determine if your wisdom tooth would be removed in the office or by the oral surgeon.
- Best age to get the wisdom teeth extracted is before the age of 20 when the roots are still not completely formed
- But they can be removed at any other age as well
- Most wisdom teeth extractions can be done under local anesthesia. The extraction can be routine or surgical.
- Some extractions are done under sedation i.e General anesthesia – for which you will be refuted to an oral surgeon.
- Wisdom Tooth removal causes some pain and swelling post operatively. You will be prescribed medications for pain, infection and swelling sometimes as well
- If good home care is taken you should be back to normal in a few days.